Saturday, 28 February 2009

My Life Is Going Down The Swannie.

I wish it was. Sadly I am still here. Anyhow. Been away playing gigs. Awesome. Why can't I do it more often.
It was on these days away that I realised how good this album is. This album is a lost "classic" from 1983 by one-hit-wonders Warning. This German duo some how manage to bridge the gapping proto-chasm between Krautrock, Synth-pop and Black metal. in my head anyway. The opener "Why Can't The Bodies Fly" was some theme tune to a TV show. But for pure enjoyment and those "horrible monster" vocals you can't beat "Wild Roses For The Exit".

Warning - S/T

Monday, 16 February 2009

God's Good.

Its like watching your a friend cut off there leg to achieve that slight burst of euphoria you get from massive blood loss only to be left bleeding and crippled and stuck for life with the grim reality that you can never take stairs in that wheelchair.

Played a "interesting" gig in Preston on Friday night gone. I think we managed to rub nearly everyone up the wrong way but its all fun. Giving bands lots of free beer over a space of 5 hours is always a little crazy. We are dickheads. Most people in bands are. Its basically a license to act like a scumbag in all honesty. Its been stored in the archives for when the time comes to put it to paper when I am old and senile.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Years Spent On A Unobtainable Goal

I know its a song by some band, but I can't remember who. Any help?
My friend Daz requested this recently so I thought I may as well bang it up here. One of the best releases Relapse ever put out to be honest, or most interesting after a week of solid listening. Buried Inside are from Canada who released a couple of albums before this one in 2001. But "Chronoclast" is the one you need. A concept album about time.

Buried Inside - Chronoclast

In all honesty its really hard to put your finger on what Buried Inside sound like. Its a huge wall of sound that encompasses hardcore and metal but played with a high elvel of drama. Each track segueing into the next one. I am gonna stop trying to describe it. Download and have a listen.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Ground Swell

Because everyone needs some Neil Hamburger in there lives. And you can't beat slagging the RHCP off can you?

And for something to listen can have the pleasure of Weakling. My memory was jogged recently when I spied a Weakling t-shirt ( do they actually exist?) on some kid at a show we played in Bournemouth. Weakling where the best US Black metal band going. All over the place in a good way. The guitarist went onto do The Fucking Champs. Another awesome band. But for now...Weakling - Dead As Dreams.

WEAKLING - Dead As Dreams

Awesome USBM. File as the forerunner to Wolves In The Throne Room. Oliver Recommends.


Thursday, 5 February 2009

Totally Wizard

As I sit here typing this, the cold Russian weather has blown across our excuse for a country and covered most things in snow. Which, if you live in London then you can't go to work. Even tho during the blitz the buses still ran. Crazy eh?
Anyhow, to avoid and put off de-icing the car I am typing this all out. Ergon has smashed a load of eardrums and laid down some abuse in our recent first excursions out into the public eye. Despite a lack of merch and barely 16 minute set we have made the most of it. Annoying all and sundry in the process. We are taking care of business.
Anyhow, other than that I am hit by financial insecurity again. Lack of deliveries, coupled with nationwide economic struggles means my hours have been cut back at work by 2 whole days. meaning I have a fraction of my income coming in. meaning I now live ona very tight restricted budget. meaning I have to look for another job or something. Meaning I have to chance the pit of shattered dreams and lost souls that is the Job Centre. Gutted.
I decided to offer something to suit the times. Harmony Korine is a pretty good director. Despite the fact I hate Kids ( despite it being seen as a revelation by everyone else) his best effort for me has always been Gummo. The fractured tale of the denizons of a small, post-hurricane town somewhere in America's backwoods.
I could never really fully describe Gummo, you do need to see it.
Here is the soundtrack....

Gummo OST

The soundtrack features some pretty far out stuff for a film. Most of this music being more designed to invoke the mood of the film than actually being in it bar a few exceptions. Still the running order makes it possibly the best soundtrack ever. Eyehategod, Sleep, Bethlehem, Absu, Electric Hellfire Club and loads more.

